Monday, September 05, 2005

Today's Times Opinion

In today's Times Opinion RDA needs to hit the ground running, East Chicago's Intermodal ambitions are apparently not on the agenda, trumped by that of the Port of Indiana's. It looks like East Chicago's lack of interest in engaging regionalism and regional authorities (NIRPC, the Forum, Quality of Life Council, The Marquette Plan), during the first six months of this administration, may have cost East chicago's "Economic Development Council" the opportunity to do what it has wanted to do - develop a Port or Intermodal facility ASAP. When you consider the timeline for the navigational dredge, the soon to come environmental dredge, and the need to widen and deepen the canal to support such shipping (if Mr. Ruff continues to insist on the present location), build new bridges, do all the feasibility and environmental studies, the lack of developed plans, get the support of the RDA and all other necessary authorities, it was never a quick deal. Now, It looks like Mr. Ruff will have an opportunity to develop an Intermodal Port, only it will be in Portage.

The issue: Regional Development Authority
Our opinion: Now that we have a full slate of board members, they should move quickly, under John Clark's leadership, on the important work they must do. They need to draft a

Harley Snyder and Lou Martinez have been named to the Northwest Indiana Regional Development Authority. The RDA now begins its work Sept. 26.

The RDA's first meeting on that date will be at the Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission building in Portage. The RDA should start with a good briefing from NIRPC and take time to listen to the views of the region.
It must then quickly draft a plan that sets priorities and quickly act on it.

In announcing Snyder's appointment Thursday, Gov. Mitch Daniels said Northwest Indiana has no shortage of plans. What it needs is results.

That's true, but what the region really needs first is a single blueprint for Northwest Indiana that incorporates those many other plans.

Then the RDA can decide in what order to tackle these objectives and start moving on them.

Bus services need to be consolidated and routes thoughtfully crafted. Passenger rail service needs to be extended to Lowell and Valparaiso. An intermodal facility needs to be developed to facilitate intermodal shipping through the port in Portage. Land along the Lake Michigan shoreline needs to be reclaimed for public use, in line with the Marquette Greenway plan. The Gary/Chicago International Airport needs to be improved and additional airlines recruited.

And that's just a sampling of the work the RDA needs to do.

The board members need to hit the ground running. They need to ask NIRPC's expert advice but also others in the region.

And they're asking you, too, to speak out. It's your region, and you should have a voice in how it develops. Offer your advice to the RDA members.

The RDA is Indiana's first truly regional government. Help make it work well.

On the RDA board

* John Clark, RDA chairman and Gov. Mitch Daniels's senior adviser for economic growth

* Harley Snyder, president of HSC Inc./Real Estate Counseling and Investment

* Howard Cohen, chancellor of Purdue University Calumet

* Gus Olympidis, Family Express founder and president

* Ned Ruff, East Chicago city attorney

* Bill Joiner, president of the Gary Economic Development Commission

* Lou Martinez, president of Lake Area United Way

Offer your advice

The RDA is inviting comments and suggestions prior to its first meeting. Send your e-mail to

If you go

The Regional Development Authority will meet at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 26 at the Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission building, 6100 Southport Road, Portage.

Your opinion, please

What should be the RDA's first priority?


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